“Within the creative arenas are the seeds of possibility, easing life forward through the salve of beauty and our beautiful mind.”
NOURISH Gallery | Carl Barnett
We are, despite our willfulness, on a path of back and forth and side to side. This is the consequence of time, memory, and mindset, the reality of being human and living contemporary lives. But it is through the creative endeavor we thrive, resolving and inspiring purposeful living, easing our way onward as we try and try again.
Within the creative arenas are the seeds of possibility, easing life forward through the salve of beauty and our beautiful mind. Through centuries of creating we have built countries and great cities, flying through the clouds and now scattered stars. We’ve pushed the Earth towards its limit, as we continue to discover ours: creating beauty and seeing who we are.
“We are not gods, we are dust and starlight, capable of light and the dullness of an indoctrinated mind.”
It is our nature to be fallible, and to learn, to fall to our knees and build wings. If we can destroy inadvertently, we can resolve intentionally, through the creative mind and physical drive. We are not gods, we are dust and starlight, capable of light and the dullness of an indoctrinated mind.
We are the children of unbridled energy, the destructive hurricane, and the birdsong within.
We are the trees and the fire starter.