“We are a part of starlight, dust, stone, and weeds: a bigger picture, that dwells within and around us.”
Image | Michele Quan
At some point in time, we separated ourselves from nature, perhaps at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, where Earth became product and humankind, its seller. We are, however selling ourselves, as we are of nature and nature of us. We are a part of starlight, dust, stone, and weeds: a bigger picture, that dwells within and around us.
NOURISH Gallery | Liadain Warwick Smith | Kathryn Robinson-Millen | SENTINET
“We are energy and nature, small within the limits of time aloud, captive within the circle of enigmatic life.”
NOURISH Gallery | LIadain Warwick Smith | SENTIENT
Nature enables us to pause, see, sense, and touch. This is inherent to all things created: being human, within a universe that continues to create. It is within the creative endeavor, that we come in contact with our truest selves, a spark of energy that echoes through centuries of time, people, places, and natural things. We are energy and nature, small within the limits of time aloud, captive within the circle of enigmatic life.
NOURISH Gallery | Gaia Starr
We are part of a mysterious system that creates and destroys itself, expanding and contracting, writing and rewriting.
NOURISH Gallery | Liadain Warwick Smith | Kathryn Robinson-Millen | Carl Barnett | SENTIENT