“Ideas are just energy, if they are not put into action.”
We create and collect as a means of sense-making, in our world of complexities. To uplift and bring joy, and bask in the depths of beauty. Through the creative mind, we thrive, to be better and to do better. Ideas are just energy, if they are not put into action. It is within the creative endeavor we resolve and soothe, our condition of being human.
“Change happens, not in the light of what’s possible but in the shadows, steadfastly moving forward by days and inches.”
On a daily bases, innovation is being created that enhances our ways of living, though we hear very little about it. Change happens, not in the light of what’s possible, but in the shadows, steadfastly moving forward by days and inches. It is through creative innovation that the light is broadened, shedding light and creating growth. We are creative beings, through endeavor, we build the new and bury the old in history.
“We can go to the moon and scour the universe, but here we are, the ones who create, and the ones who destroy.”
If we are to survive our own undoing, we must first acknowledge our hand in the unraveling, filling the hole that is now carved out. We can go to the moon and scour the universe, but here we are the ones who create, and the ones who destroy. This is where we start, for whom this is all for, creating what’s possible out of the alchemy of ruins.