“It is the creative mind that frees us from our trenches, if only for moments at a time, as we build our new vision, plot our escape.”
Studio Roosegaarde | Urban Sun
At times it seems nothing makes sense, our lives feel as if no longer ours, no longer our original hope or deepest dream, as though someone else’s life we’ve been preening. We tend to follow a path so deep and far that it becomes no longer a path but a trench, protecting us from the fear of newness and change, from seeing what’s out there or more precisely from feeling what’s within. It is the creative mind that frees us from our trenches, if only for moments at a time, as we build our new vision, plot our escape.
GALLERY | Andy Graves | Carl Barnett
“The truest self is beauty manifesting, the intuitive cartographer, building moments one stone at a time.”
GALLERY | studiovoll | Kathryn Robinson-Millen | Andy Graves | Carl Barnett
The creative mind has brought us to where we are and will bring us to where we need to be. We are not a perfect species, we lose our light and follow paths no longer viable, reacting to ghosts. The truest self is beauty manifesting, the intuitive cartographer, building moments one stone at a time.
GALLERY | studiovoll
“Creativity is guide and compass, map and renderer of the future, maker of things and words that pull and push.”
GALLERY | Andy Graves
Beauty sets the psyche’s compass, inspiring the creative mind to forge a new way, fostering change by way of new light and resolute will. Creativity is guide and compass, map and renderer of the future, maker of things and words that pull and push. This is how reality is molded and the future comes to pass, by tenacity and merely doing: a beautiful mind.
GALLERY | studiovoll | Artist’s Book