“How we live within the beauty and the ugly of life can ease or restrain all efforts forward.”
“Beauty shows us who we are by how we view it, how we surround and edit, covet and give.”
It’s not the things we collect that makes life shine, it’s the meaning we attach to them, how they pull at our emotions, enhancing our experiences and what we already have within. Beauty shows us who we are by how we view it, how we surround and edit, covet and give. It is who we are innately, what we strive for in words and deeds. Beauty has its ugly side, as we too do, each has the potential to build and destroy, depending on which wolf we feed, the good or bad within.
“To surround oneself with beauty, to experience, view and use, sparks the mind into action and emotion as it eases the way forward.”
Life is paradoxical, birth and death, love and distain. To find peace we navigate the dark, in us and around, aligning ourselves to the light of beauty, wherever, whoever, it may be. To surround oneself with beauty, to experience, view and use, sparks the mind into action and emotion as it eases the way forward. Through the terrain of doubt and the future of what’s possible, the creative mind builds, destroys and builds continuum, allowing us to choose and choose again. This is who we are and who we wish not to be, what we can change and create, and cannot.