Natural Creativity

“Creativity and the natural world are a direct reflection of who we are deep to our marrow and cells: informing and inspiring.”

Creativity and the natural world are a direct reflection of who we are deep to our marrow and cells: informing and inspiring. This is where we hear and tell our stories, mark our paths and find our lineage. Here too is where we lose ourselves in flow, revived in our organic and intuitive ways of being. 

“The creative mind much like nature has a regenerative way of being, though sometimes dormant, always there in waiting: resolute and inspiring.” 

Natural creativity resonates, piercing our skin as it pierces our senses, upending thought and emotion. It drives our desire for change as it smooths the edges for sameness and security, allowing our needs to be met while questioning those very needs. Creativity is a double edged sword, used for building as well as destroying. The creative mind much like nature has a regenerative way of being, though sometimes dormant, always there in waiting: resolute and inspiring