The Complexities Of Beauty

“There is a thread that ties person, place and thing and even language, and that is emotion.”

An object, whether a bowl or painting is not separate from the interior where it’s placed, nor separate from the language used to describe, and most certainly not from the person experiencing it. There is a thread that ties person, place and thing and even language, and that is emotion. We are emotional beings, which is why beauty has its place within our lives, instinctively we are drawn, pulled, deep from the gut. 

“We know what we like because we can feel it in our bones, feel it as the hair on our skin, rustles.”

Our instinct is to perpetuate and seek out beauty, we plant bulbs in the Fall so that Spring rewards our efforts through the cold of Winter, purchasing the perfect vessel to display them proudly within. The body seems to know intuitively the comforts of beauty, we are attuned to our own aesthetic, be it a minimal interior or a ornately carved piece of furniture. We know what we like because we can feel it in our bones, feel it as the hair on our skin, rustles. Beauty is a salve, soothes the wounds of our everyday. 

It should come as no surprise what we do for love and beauty, our heart wants what it wants, seeks what it needs. Our world is a reflection of our desires, the outcome of our needs, centuries of internal conflict and drive: love, hate, beauty and the ugly. The United States is not just east coast and west coast, nor is it a nation on its own, it is diverse as the world too is diverse, full of beauty and internal hope. This is our shared reality, our commonality of genetics, and the essence of the humanitarian spirit: the essence of beauty.

“Our world is complex, a reflection of those who continue to build it, the manifestation of the wonder and beauty within.”

To self envelope within what we deem noble and honest, is to identify with the complexities of beauty, to mirror the inside world with the outside, coming to terms with the perfectly imperfect and the beauty that entails. Our world is complex, a reflection of those who continue to build it, the manifestation of the wonder and beauty within. To see the world from a one sided perspective is to limit its possibilities, sheering thin the experience of living, dulling the light that beauty brings. 

Life and beauty are sinuous tangles, along with struggle and doubt, this is life, our lives worth living. Beauty is the constant within all that we endure, see and happily experience. It is the thread that binds with emotion, the pulley that lifts, the light that shines and thins the fog.