Rattling In Our Bodies

“The action of creating rattles in the body, sharing it rattles in another’s.”

The action of creating rattles in the body, sharing it rattles in another’s. It is a process of expressing ideas, a language and conversation, a ripple. To not put one’s work out into the world is to stifle the conversation, limiting it to one’s own body and mind, rattling, echoing and self relient: bird in a cage.

“To send out a ripple, that creates another, riffing on the original idea.”

The purpose of creating is to release the inner rattle of idea and desire, no matter the exprssive language. To send out a ripple that creates another, riffing on the original idea. This is who we are as sentients, creative beings that long to express our capricous emotions, which bounce within the cage of our bodies.

Perhaps this finds us in the realm of what matterrs, what speaks to our truer selves as we navigate the storms within and around, an attempt to resolve and understand, staying afloat, hope on the horizon.