“The world continues to spin, as we spin with it, sometimes it seems, the opposite direction.”
Untitled Painting | Carl Barnett Design/Studio
The world continues to spin, as we spin with it, sometimes it seems, the opposite direction. It is true that we can cause ourselves our own pain and that of others, by our whirling mind of fear and doubt. History shows this, its part of our DNA, part of what makes us human, flawed in our attempts to spin forward.
“To this there is no easy answer, no elixir, no beauty so profound to sooth our ills.”
In our efforts to unravel, we weave another tenuous path, adding insult to injury to our uncertain terrain. To this there is no easy answer, no elixir, no beauty so profound to sooth our ills. It is perhaps found within our consistent undoing that unties the knots, knowing this pattern exists, and persist to unweave. To move forward against the tide is inevitably, living, and to spin with the stars is human, to know who we are and the complexities within. Our existence need not be to tie and untie, but to create a more linear path, building bridges that swing, sway and reach. This is how the future is created, an alchemy of mind and making. To untie and to create. To spin a new thread.