“Within each day is a memory we drag forward, tethered to each experience that proceeds it.”
There is in fact no fine line in the direction forward, only loose threads, woven by the stories we tell as our time passes. Within each day is a memory we drag forward, tethered to each experience that proceeds it. It is these experiences, each, that builds the passage forward, though layered in a hashed mark gesture, forward, just the same. Seen from above life looks as if a tapestry, though up close, a haberdashery of bits, loosely knotted and tied. When I was a child, little made sense, a mashing of dyslexia and abuse, now being unknotted, as I thread anew.
“This is who we are, knotted stories, till snipped or broken ended.”
Each day has its own experience, its own memory, held willingly or let go by way of dreams. Our days come as rituals, as we sleep and awake to the new. I am grateful to have each day, at this point I cannot imagine not having them come, not having the opportunity to see what yesterday has shown forward. This is what life gives us, each day a layer, a knotted thread to who we are as we stumble onward, weaving the stories we leave. This is who we are, knotted stories, till snipped or broken ended.
“As a friend once said, not easy but simple, we know who we are, and what it is we need.”
From the vantage point of yesterday, today has the honor of being guided, a prophesy that shines light for tomorrows living. To learn from each day passing, each view of beauty and fear of hurt, smoothes the future coming, lights the ongoing passage, for ourselves and those too, we love. As a friend once said, not easy but simple, we know who we are, and what it is we need.