“Oftentimes when we find ourselves at a crossroads, it is the creative mind that offers the way forward, by way of action, or inspiration of beauty.”
Living a meaningful life is clearly a personal perspective, but universal as viewing the same moon. We struggle with the same issues in different places, often at the same time. This is where empathy comes to light, where the creative mind resolves, soothes and inspires our ongoing resolutions. Oftentimes when we find ourselves at a crossroads, it is the creative mind that offers the way forward, by way of action, or inspiration of beauty. It is the creative mind that is our power, that each of us are born into, where we live and how we live, as we navigate this challenging era. It is the creative mind that betters our lives, through policies of living and artistic endeavors, creating better cities, materials and useful objects for our everyday.
“This present day is unlike no other, unfurling by seconds, showing its perspectives, two faces at one time.”
We can find the creative endeavor in all that we touch, see, taste and think. It permeates every space, expands every passage, igniting passion as it salves the wounds. This present day is unlike no other, unfurling by seconds, showing its perspectives, two faces at one time. It is here that the creative mind is most needed: dissolving shadows, showing resolve, creating paths where once their were walls.
“The body knows its creative mind, moves in tandem, builds the things, writes the words, pierces the future forward.”
The creative mind has its passioned place within the gridded world, dissolving the dogmatic it buds the new frontier, breeds the fearless that ravages the doubtful myopic. It is within the blood that creativity moves, stirring the heart and sparking the mind, twitching the fingers forward. The body knows its creative mind, moves in tandem, builds the things, writes the words, pierces the future forward. We see this in where we live, how we move and how we take care of the ill. We know it as we know ourselves, though it may have been forgotten. The future is being built, created by many, echoes of the past, inspiration of the new. The creative mind is our power, our blood passion: path forward, igniting light.