Creating Change

“The creative languages are the vehicle to possibility, the salve that heals the past, informing the future.”

It is said that life is a narrow bridge and that all we have is work and love, work and love, an infinite game to inspire and to be inspired. Life is a beautiful ugly, not purely right nor wrong. To better one’s life is multi layered, but starts within, starts with the intention to grow and change. The creative languages are the vehicle to possibility, the salve that heals the past, informing the future. To be better is to see who we are, what’s before us and what’s in our control: to see beauty where little seems to be. 

“We each have a creative mind, it’s inherent to who we are, a tool for change: funnel and sifter.”

We were each born with an open mind, this is the place to begin again, to create what the future is demanding and what our conscious has been telling. To inspire the future is to change ourselves, we are the builders, the doers, the creative minds that pause and reflect and then push forward, offering resolve and shining the light. We each have a creative mind, it’s inherent to who we are, a tool for change: funnel and sifter. Our brains are mailable, so too our bodies, change is an act of energy, as too creation. To change and create therefore is a natural action, a means of survival, a way to proceed. It is not a matter of perfection, but the action of will and the emotion of hope.