“The future holds what we do in the present, and the creative mind, will and hope are the vehicles forward.”
The future is what we vaguely see it to be, it is within our best interest, and the interest of others to accept the facts of what we know now, and counter with action and inspiration. The future holds what we do in the present, and the creative mind, will and hope are the vehicles forward.
TYIN Tednestue Architects. Norway.
“Silence, inspiration and absolute, honest encounters with nature.”
“Circumventing the government seems to be the clearest and current path, to lighting the way.”
If the future is to be our demise as a species, as some suggest, perhaps we should leave a beautiful legacy: an inspiring example of what we can do, who we are or perhaps were. Rather than relying on others to be our savior, let us be that savior, or smoothing stone: whatever is to be. Circumventing the government seems to be the clearest and current path, to lighting the way. Beyond this crumbling confine, strides are being made.
“The elements of design are the spring boards for the creative mind, fostering beauty, resolve and comfort.”
We have the opportunity to make a better future, to smooth the edges for the generations to come. This is the epitome of inspiration: what design can in fact do. The elements of design are the spring boards for the creative mind, fostering beauty, resolve and comfort.
“Through the creative mind, life moves with inspired motion: manifesting the future possible and easing the everyday.”
It is my belief that good design can be a catalyst for change, as it enhances and questions how we live. Through the creative mind, life moves with inspired motion: manifesting the future possible and easing the everyday.