“This is where we are, where we can go if we choose to see the truth.”
It doesn’t take much to realize that our world is increasingly faulting, that our government is fractured and crumbling, nor will it take an extraordinary amount of effort to find resolve or to at least turn a corner. This is where we are, where we can go if we choose to see the truth.
As human beings we are fallible, our brains have not developed to fit our fast changing world. But this does not mean we cannot affect change. We are in charge of our minds, we can question our doctrines and act accordingly: we can, and must. At this point in time the effort must be greater to smooth the future and ease our current ills. This is a matter of choice, to question who we are and who we choose to become for ourselves and those who surround. The future demands this, today warrants it.
“It is simply a matter of doing, a natural way of living as human nature is built from compassion, empathy and love.”
Personally speaking I have felt a little overwhelmed but see it all in a slightly different light, a shift in mindset. What I can affect is in front of me: efforts in graduated scales. Small steps, leaps and grand gestures all come into play. It is simply a matter of doing, a natural way of living as human nature is built from compassion, empathy and love.
Warka Water, Dorza by Arturo Vittori.
Photo- Leone Magliocchetti Lombi.
Romantic as this may sound, do not dismiss the intention: the power of the human mind and emotion are strong if fully utilized. From this we built our contemporary world, we can build a better one if we choose. Again, this comes back to choice, to realize that we do indeed have one. There are two paths before us at every moment and daybreak.
Behind every mountain peak is another. This is life and time moving, our steps forward, choices of mind, inspiration and action.