Within the creative endeavors is meaning and purpose, an intention that inspires, elicits better living, evokes and provokes thought and emotion. To support the creative endeavors of others is to live within change and possibility: beauty and hope.
“Here is where the interweaving of balance and life are bound, where the spiral up, meets the spiral down and meaning and purpose finds its clearest need.”
We live in a world of immediacy and demand, from which is difficult to remove ourselves. Life balance is a complicated endeavor, where work and play coexist loosely as we search for inspiration to why we do what we do. Balance does not truly exist, its more at flux and flow than static stillness, embracing what fulfills us, what inspires and what pays the bills. Here is where the interweaving of balance and life are bound, where the spiral up, meets the spiral down and meaning and purpose finds its clearest need.
Photographer Tom Blachford
“To submerge oneself in beauty, while we work and pay bills, softens the beat of the drum.”
To move within the creative realms is to see beauty, know wonder and impact the hurling future. This is how we live, where we live, what we wear and eat. What has the strongest impact on our lives is what we do, our actions and words and creative investments, both emotional and physical. To submerge oneself in beauty, while we work and pay bills, softens the beat of the drum.
Life and emotions are truly ineffable, difficult to pin down and express: a vacillating mindfield of who we are, where we are. This is where creativity has its strongest hold, its ability to express the unknown and fearful, resolve and the intuitive, hope in the face of uncertainty.
Architects Studio 10