To map the future is to navigate todays narrative, measuring the distance between deeds done and resolve. The cause and effect of daily actions and words spoken are ripples outward and waves forward, a natural order of living: how we live now and how we soon will live. This is no story book tale but fact in plain sight, though it seems we may have taken a blind’s eye.
“It is at this point a time of doing and inspiring: stacking the logs to build the dam.”
There is no need to go into details of our contemporary challenges (we know them). Our biggest concern should not be what we know, but what we know to do. The facts are there, we cannot go around them any longer, resolve is the paramount knowledge here. It is at this point a time of doing and inspiring: stacking the logs to build the dam.
How we live goes beyond the things we buy, again, we know. Empathy is something that affects our environment as are the materials we use in daily routines. Both are plinths to building a way of life and future. How we feel is equal to how we live within the material world.
“Who we are and where we’re going.”
This is not a plea for minimalism, though I personally find this most appealing. It is however, a bid for a moment of stay, a time to stop and pivot to a clearer and more purposeful way. A milestone of asking harder questions of how we live and how we see the future. A conversation of us and we, life and living and the definition of humanity. Who we are and where we’re going.