“Simplicity in this era of uncertainty is not a romantic notion of returning to the “days of yore” but an action based on fact: nothing changes, if nothing changes.”
To simplify life down to what resonates deepest might seem to be a difficult task, but one of importance as we stare down the realities of contemporary life and the challenging future. Simplicity in this era of uncertainty is not a romantic notion of returning to the “days of yore” but an action based on fact: nothing changes, if nothing changes. This is a matter of building the maleable future. The architecture of thought and behavior, cause and affect.
The built environment can be a bolster for change if we let it. Or more precisely, if we make it. This is one of the few things in our control, how we live and too how we think. It is proven scientific fact, our choices make the difference. Actions speak loudest.
To build the future is to drive the nail deep, penetrating what we hold to be of greatest need and greatest hope. The realm of interior design can be seen as such endeavor, a means to better create the future unknown as builder’s tool or painter’s brush. This can assist in facilitating the reality of what we see within our minds eye. To see it, to hold it and then push it forward.