
Whitney Museum rooftop -image Adriane Miller

Whitney Museum rooftop -image Adriane Miller

Memory of place in time is greatly attached to emotion and people, though sometimes fleeting moments they are sticky in how they can last a lifetime, entangling themselves within our minds and bodies, unearthing physical sensations.

Carl Barnett Design/Studio

Carl Barnett Design/Studio

Images of physical space, nuances and long embraces, move and float within our physical making, passing through pores, lose hair and clipped nails.

We are not our past in total, but we are the memories we choose to keep, looping them, pulling them, forward. Some experiences entrench themselves, moving through the mind’s sifter becoming blood memory, others exit the body through dreams, passing as ethereal clouds.

It is memory that helps to build our future, acting as guidepost, perimeters to what we wish to repeat and expand upon. Maps of past and present. Chalk on board. Raised hairs.

Felix Gonzalez-Toress - Whitney Museum

Felix Gonzalez-Toress - Whitney Museum