We are intuitive beings with a passion to create, and the humility to resolve our failings, building beauty where there once was, or should be. It is through the creative languages that links are soldered, across tides, time, and bodies of difference. Through the creative mind, we dig deep the internal landscape, excavating the core of who we are. Our love. Our light.
How We Live And Collect
How we live and what we collect is not only a reflection of who we are but inspires and eases our being human. The hand created is a storyteller of the maker and collector: a mirror and light.
The Creative Endeavor
Through the poetics of space and the hand created, we feel who we are, illuminated by physical beauty and emotion. Life is eased and deepened by the creative endeavor, a beacon within the complexities of living, piercing the core of who we are. It is by way of the creative endeavor that we self-express, within the craft of making and the built environment, communicating who we are, and who we are not.
This Is Who We Are
The Creative Mind And Who We Are
“Beauty is a salve, that eases our being human.”
It is through beauty we see ourselves, whether it be nature or the hand-created. Living with the hand-created reflects and nourishes who we are. It tells and reaffirms our story of how we wish to live, and what we hold to be near and dear: our beliefs, desires, and visions for the future coming. Beauty is a salve, that eases our being human.
“Beauty and the hand created gives substance, texture, and weight to our experience of being human.”
Beauty and the hand created give substance, texture, and weight to our experience of being human. They express our conscious self, our light, and the energy of where we’ve come from, what we are made of, and what we can achieve through effort and knowing who we are.