“They inform who we are, inspire our emotions and visit our sleeping dreams.”
Images float through our minds, as we navigate our days: spaces and forms, bodies and things. They inform who we are, inspire our emotions and visit our sleeping dreams. We touch their textures and see their angles, feeling every history they imbue.
“Our eyes graze the surfaces in search of signs of the maker, evidence of the hand that built.”
Objects tell us their stories, as the spaces in which they’re contained, though subtle they may seem. Our eyes graze the surfaces in search of signs of the maker, evidence of the hand that built. This speaks more to a physical need or language to express, than the utility these objects prescribe. A walk amongst a Greek ruin must feel exactly this, may spark the same desire.
“It is these things, these spaces and forms, that speak to who we are.”
Bodies in spaces and objects in hand, tell us exactly their function. But it is the associative emotion that runs deep, building the memories that come. It is these things, these spaces and forms, that speak to who we are. They pull at our histories, nudge at our emotions, give us pause to think.